Directions and Maps

Set GPS location to Hilde Performance Center, 3500 Plymouth Blvd, Plymouth, MN 55446. Free public parking is available in surrounding areas, including Plymouth Ice Center and near by streets.

If you are coming from south (HWY 55), AVOID using Plymouth Blvd due to road construction. Access parking spaces through Vicksburg Ln N :
Set GPS destination to 3650 Plymouth Blvd, Plymouth, MN 55446 (Coordinates 45.0236, -93.4762) for parking at Plymouth Ice Center.
Set GPS destination to 36st Ave N & Plymouth Blvd, Plymouth MN 55446 (Coordinates 45.0222, -93.4785) for street parking near 35th, 36th, and 37th Ave.

Plenty of parking is also available at Plymouth Community Center (14800 34th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55447) and on 34th Ave.

Park and Ride Shuttle service is available at Wayzata High School (Main Entrance, 4955 Peony Ln N, Plymouth, MN)

Event Map: